Changing Book Covers – Another Rant

Maybe this pandemic has made me extra cranky, but here’s another rant.


A book comes out with a perfectly good cover, one the author and cover designer and publisher spent hours debating and perfecting.

Then the novel is made into a movie and we get this. Now, I suppose one could say that this is a perfectly fine cover. It’s not. The characters in my head after reading the book don’t look anything like these people so now, seeing this, my image of the characters is forever skewed and a bit of the emotional attachment I had to the book is ruined.

See the source image


Another example. This original cover is a delight. Evocative, clearly communicating this man’s loneliness and isolation.

A Man Called Ove (novel).jpg

This new cover doesn’t cut it. Once again, the people pictured do not fit my image of the characters. Have I mentioned that the great thing about books — you, the reader, get to decide what the people look like? In addition, the image here does not convey the emotion of the first. What a let down.

A Man Called Ove: The life-affirming bestseller that will brighten your day


Perhaps my aversion to these covers is fueled by my aversion to movies made based on books. Just not as good, in my opinion.

Do you agree?

4 comments on “Changing Book Covers – Another Rant

  1. I prefer the original covers as well. But, if they ever make movies from my books, I´ll be Ok with them changing the covers. (as I laugh all the way to the bank!)

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